Week 24 2024 ramblings

This is going to be me rambling about things that I came across this week. Feel free to ignore. Hey, it started on week 24 of 2024!

I witnessed the best presentation ever

This very week Stephen Taylor was invited to Madrid by my company. He’s a very well renowed person in the array programming world. Old enough to be retired (I think), he is still passionate about this.

He made a presentation on the q language and his new book (or resource) about it and I was shocked at how good it was. On 4:3 instead of 16:9, white background and black, serif letters. With tons of margin on the sides and very few words per slide, but a ton of them on the other hand. Yet, he still made it land beautifully. He spoke slowly and clearly and even if you were not wholly interested in what he was talking about, he still managed to keep you engaged.

This is one of the only times I have been at awe while watching a presentation. Trully an example to follow. Keep it simple stupid. High contrast. Make your point clear.

I’m starting a master’s

… on Computer Engineering, my original field of expertise. I’m really excited for September to come even though I still haven’t solve every issue with my employer. I’m sure we’ll make it work.

The keyboard

I finished the set of posts about the Moonlander, check them out on the blog if you are interested.

I have been playing Persona 3 Reloaded

And it’s really good. But not as good as Persona 4 Golden. I keep coming back to it every time…

After that I’ll go to FF7 probably. We’ll see.